Happy Write Now

June 25, 2010

Why We’re Here

Filed under: Uncategorized — by happywritenow @ 6:50 pm

This post title is a little presumptuous. It assumes that there is a “we” here. I hope eventually there will be lots of “we’s” here. But for today, there is probably only me. So…here’s why I am here.

On April 1, 2010 (yes, April Fool’s Day), I officially left the safety and security (bonds and constraints?) of a paid job to become a full-time freelancer. Prior to that day, I had been a part-time freelancer since 1997. It’s safe to say I am not new to freelancing. But I had no clue how much difference there would be in just those little words — part-time vs. full-time. No clue whatsoever.

I am three months into this journey and I thought it would be a good idea to share it with you. And when I say you, I mean others who are new to this journey, who are contemplating making this same jump, as well as the freelancers who have been around the block a time or two and can offer us their advice.

In the past 90 days, I have done some dumb things, some smart things, some things I never thought I would do, and many things that we newbies typically are guilty of in the first few months of making the full-time leap. My hope is to build a community where I can share a few of these things and provide a safe and welcoming place for you to share as well.

So…here’s to us newbies, the solopreneur generation, the ones who will drive our economic engine out of the doldrums, and the ones with the cajones to do it for ourselves!


  1. […] in a Name Filed under: Uncategorized — by happywritenow @ 4:47 pm As I mentioned in Why We’re Here, I started this full-time freelance journey about 3 months ago. Almost immediately, I got comments […]

    Pingback by What’s in a Name « Happy Write Now — June 25, 2010 @ 4:47 pm |Reply

  2. […] In A Name Filed under: Uncategorized — by happywritenow @ 1:52 am As I mentioned in Why We’re Here, I started this full-time freelance journey about 3 months ago. Almost immediately, I got comments […]

    Pingback by What’s In A Name « Happy Write Now — July 1, 2010 @ 1:52 am |Reply

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